
See the pictures below for ideas about how to use cake-shaping strips, cake-shaping clay, or decorating clay to make fun and special cakes! If you would like to share pictures the cakes that you have made as well, upload them here!

Small Hand Cake.JPGEngagement Hand Cake.JPGBook Cake.JPGJack-O-Lantern Cake.JPG Shoe Cake.JPG Dog Cake.JPGCar Cake.JPGPiano Cake.JPGDecorated Cake.JPG
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Shoe Cake  ·  For a runner's birthday, make a shoe cake. Press a layer of Cake-Shaping Clay into the bottom of a bread-loaf pan. Form the clay to look like an inverse shoe shape, such that the back of the pan (the heel) has barely clay, the front has approximately an inch of clay. Remember, the top of your cake in the pan will be the bottom of the shoe. Spray the clay and pan with cooking spray. Pour the batter to cover the clay and then add more batter to raise the batter level another 1/2 inch. Adding too much will make the bottom part of the shoe too tall. Bake until done, loosen the cake from the sides of the pan, and invert the pan.Laces are made with frosting using a star-tip decorating tip.


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A number of processes and products on this website are patent pending. You may use the processes and make the products so long as you are not directly or indirectly benefiting from the financial sale or offering for sale of: (1) the patent-pending products themselves or (2) another product promoting the use or sale of the patent-pending products or processes. You may use the products and processes described on this site to make desserts or other food items sold for profit. Please contact us with any further questions.